100KM Del Caribe Dominican Republic Race
Runners-Walkers-Nordic Walkers 5 Days 100KM of Stunning landscapes and Differing Terrain along stunning beaches with athletes and fun seekers.
100KM Del Caribe Dominican Republic Race
You can do the whole 100Km or just one or two stages the event is open to any one who is over 18 years old and has no medical condition that a doctor would advise you against taking part.
The various stages can be run, walked or Nordic Walked (with poles) The event is open to both local and International competitors with a full package of transport and hotel accommodation if required. see full details in the post

100KM Del Caribe Dominican Republic Race
100km delCaribe – Routes and Stages
100KM Del Caribe Dominican Republic Race
The race is for both athletes and people who want some fun running and walking some of the beautiful coast line and countryside of the North coast of the Dominican Republic although we would advise any one to do some fitness training before you enter.
Take some time out to run or walk and see if you are able to complete the stage completion times.
Dont miss out on this fantastic opportunity to Run, Walk or Nordic Walk in the Dominican Republic and see why 5.2 million people travelled here in 2014 in search of paradise and found it!
Meet great people both Dominicans and others from all over the World.
100KM Del Caribe Dominican Republic Race