Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic - Page 5 of 0 -

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic

Revised May 2024

Currency conversion rate Used RD$58.00 = US$1

Las Terrenas has a population of over 30,00 there are over 6,000 full-time and 5,000 part-time Expats from over 23 different countries living in and around Las Terrenas most being from France, Italy and Germany but with a reversal in buying trends, it is the North Americans and Canadians who are totalling over 30% of current property sales.

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic

This is so evident that both the local and National government have introduced a program that will make it compulsory for schools to give English lessons.

The English speaking community is growing with several meeting places and Facebook pages that enable new people to find friends, knowledge and Information easily.

The Official language of the Dominican Republic is Spanish but English, French, Italian and German along with other European languages are spoken in Las Terrenas and the Samana Peninsula.

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic

You will also find English is spoken in the capital and other major cities and tourist areas!

Most of our clients are from Canada and the USA so we know what issues and problems most will need answering.

We have put this list together based on our own experiences and knowledge, but of course other companies and people may offer the same services!

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic

We are often asked about the cost of the average weekly grocery shopping list.

Weekly Shopping cost:

I have based the cost on two adults for the supply of food to include meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, salad items, tinned and dry goods, soft drinks, alcohol two bottles of French wine, 5 x 1 litre bottles of beer, drinking water and household cleaning products.

This produce is purchased from the supermarkets, the local fruit and vegetable shops and the fish market on the beach.

We generally do a large shop once a week then buy your fresh things such as fish, Shrimps and fruit and vegetables when required in the week.

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic

The total average shop is RD$9,984

Of course if you don’t drink or are a vegetarian then the total will be around RD$5,500 per week

View link: Supermarket La Sirena

Their online site has lots of prices for all sorts of items both food, drinks, products etc.

Monthly Utility bills:

Electricity in Las Terrenas is RD$14.95 per KWH but we have it 24/7 with outage only occurring for repairs on average the power is off less than 10 hours per month.

Monthly electric bill without air-conditioning two adults in an apartment RD$1800

Monthly electric cost to run a large swimming pool for 4 hours a day approximately RD$800

LPG is used for cooking and in some homes hot water priced at RD$132.60 per gallon monthly cost for two adults RD$500

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic

Gasoline and diesel prices per gallon:

Regular Gasoline RD$272.50

Premium Gasoline RD$290.10

Diesel Regular RD$221.60

Diesel Premium RD$239.10

Typical Costs for House Services and Staff:

Full time Gardener/Handy/Pool man RD$15,000 a month minimum wage

If you find the right person they should be able to carry out most small jobs and repairs and running errands.

Full time Maid/housekeeper RD$15,000 a month minimum wage

Part time staff expect to pay around RD$1000 to RD$1500 a day

Most maids will also cook if asked to do so and even do the shopping and babysit children and pets.

Security guard doing 12 hours 7 days a week RD$18,000 a month

There are wage regulations and laws that protect the worker all staff employed both full-time and part-time are entitled to 2 weeks’ holiday and holiday pay, then as is the law here, staff are paid in December what we call the 13 month as a bonus.

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic

Full-time usually consists of the following:

Working from 8.00am to 5.00pm with 1 1/2 hours for lunch Monday through to Saturday

Labour rates for Builders and craftsmen such as carpenters, electricians and plumbers vary a lot and it is always advised to use someone who has been recommended to you one that can offer a guarantee.

Most of these trades will quote for the job if a craftsman can not offer a written quote or his quote seems too good to be true then do not use them as it will end in tears!

Expect to pay between RD$2,000 to RD$3,000 a day for a less skilled tradesmen but be advised that you will have to supervise them!

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic

Water supply:

The government spent many millions on installing a new potable water system that supplies fresh water to most of the town.

I would not drink it myself due to various connection issues, however, it is quite safe to shower, clean your teeth and cook with, it is best to buy the large 5-gallon bottles of purified water available everywhere for drinking costing RD$75

Dining out:

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic

Las Terrenas truly has an International mix of restaurants from Dominican to German from French to Mexican. Dishes such as the classic Dominican Sancocho to Japanese Sushi catering for all tastes and budgets.

The average cost of a 3-course meal for two in a good quality restaurant such as the Le Tre Caravelle without drinks will be around RD$4,500

other great places are El Lugar varied menu great setting overlooking the ocean

O Grill charcoal cooked meats at night location almost on the water

These are some of our favourites there are so many place you could eat out at a different place every day for almost a year!

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic

A half-decent bottle of wine will cost you RD$1,300 in a restaurant and a small bottle of beer will cost from RD$150 to RD$200

Certain bars will sell wine and beers at lower costs or give you a bigger bottle for that same cost, this is where local knowledge comes in and we are more than happy to share it with our friends and clients!

Always remember there will be tourist-priced bars and restaurants with higher prices than the places that cater for local residents, half the fun is trying a new place every time you go out to dine and discover that little gem!

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic

Note! there will be a mandatory 10% service charge this goes to the staff then there is the 18% sales tax.

This has to be paid if you use a debit or credit card, in some places once your known they may wayver the 18% for cash payments.

If so then leave a tip.

Tipping I would advise if you want to be known and get great service especially if you live here, its well worth it to get the extra special treatment.

Dress code:

Las Terrenas is all about beach life and being relaxed but here are a few simple rules that should be applied to respect the local community.

Beach wear is for the beach and certain beach bars, so please do not walk down the streets or go to restaurants and shops in bikinis or shorts please cover up with a simple t-shirt, vest, top or sarong this applies to both men and women.

It is quite acceptable to spend the day and night in shorts and a t-shirt, vest and flip-flops, although Jeans and t-shirts are acceptable attire at night people in Las Terrenas and in particular Dominicans dress up to go out and be seen!

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic


Like all countries, we have crime most is opportunist theft with violent crime mostly local issues.

Please do not believe the stories that All Inclusive Hotel operators tell guests to keep them in the hotel and that it is not safe to walk the streets a total load of nonsense.

The Dominicans are some of the most welcoming and helpful people in the world and in Las Terrenas we are blessed to have more than our fair share.

They acknowledge and respect both foreign residents and tourists alike and will look after anyone that needs help and stop anyone that causes trouble.

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic

Of course, bearing in mind that you are in a foreign country with a different culture and it is sensible to not leave valuables and possessions on the beach or in restaurants and bars unattended as they might go missing.

At night be a little more cautious as like in all countries, alcohol can create problems that would not arise in the day!

The Police force:

We have several different police sectors in Las Terrenas, you will see a lot of tourist police in white tops and blue trousers, they are in the town to ensure tourists and residents are safe and not harassed.

The main Police station has English-speaking officers in case of an emergency, who take any incident against a foreigner very seriously.

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic

Banking and ATMS:

Las Terrenas has several banks located in the main shopping areas of the town centre. They all have ATM machines that supply funds in RD$ Peso the maximum is usually RD$20,000 at a time but dependent on your card you can use it more than once taking out up to RD$30,000
Opening hours are usually 9.00 am to 4.00 am and until 12.00pm on Saturday.

Banks will also give money to Visitors and non-residents over the counter using your Credit Card Identification is required and it is an added bonus if you’re accompanied by an existing customer who can vouch for you!

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic

Opening a Bank account:

You will need two photos I/D proof of identification usually a passport and driving licence, social security card a letter of recommendation and good standing from you’re overseas bank and banks details of existing accounts and your source of funds transfers over US$10,000 will be held up by the receiving bank until you can verify the source of funds.

Banks are legally obliged to carry out all the necessary background checks which could take up to 30 days especially if you are funding your account via a cheque!

You can open both a RD$ peso account and US$ account the minimum funding is RD$1,000 and US$500 for either account and minimum balances must be maintained.

Most banks will offer Internet banking services, various accounts, debit and credit cards along with mortgages and loans.

Banks and even different branches can deliver very different customer services it is important to get recommendations from people who have lived and operated bank accounts in Las Terrenas.

Banco Popular is a very well respected bank and one of the larger ones comprehensive services.

Banco santa Cruz offers great service for expats faster than most

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic

Insurance Services:

We are often asked about insurance of all types and who to use!

From our own experience we always recommend using a large national company rather than the small agents that are resellers.

We have used Universal for many years for Health, home and car insurance, they have an office in Las Terrenas at the Plaza Milan.

The main company website is UNIVERSAL INSURANCE

Prices are very competitive with local health insurance plans from RD$1000 a month but as with all policies it depends on age and health

We pay for the top Platinum plan RD$9,800 a month which includes everything.

Property Insurance starts at around US$600 a year we pay US$2,000 a year for our large house with a pool this covers all the buildings and fixtures and fittings

For car Insurance, we both pay around RD$15,000 a year, but there are many different policy types depending on the age of your car, some will not be available.

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic

Universal Insurance Las Terrenas Office

Juan Pablo Duarte Street No. 238, Plaza Milano. 2nd. Floor.



Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. At 5:00 p.m. Saturday from 9:00 a.m. At 1:00 p.m.

Internet services:

There is good internet service with many plans but this is mainly for properties in the town centre that have access to phone cables or the new fibre optic lines.
See this link for further information and plans although you would have to check the availability at any chosen property CLARO INTERNET

Outside of the town, most people rely on WIFI via satellite which can be excellent if you live in an area that has good tower communications. This can be expensive if you need a lot of speed.. see this link CLARO HIGH SPEED

Claro is the number one company and I would recommend them, their website is large and has a lot of information.

On average you will look at paying RD$2200 per month for an unlimited download service but with only a speed of 10MB

There is also Starlink which we have this works very well initial fee is US$700 then RD$2,900 a month we are getting on average 200mb but you do have to fit a Mesh system if you want coverage all over a large home

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic

Television Services:

If you have a property in town or close to major roads, then you can get access to cable T.V both local and International programmes we don’t have Dish Network so you have to rely on local stations or:

SKY TV satellite package starting at RD$950

Telenord local cable fibre optic with International channels start at RD$500

Most people will just use their Smart Tv with Internet connection and then subscribe to their favourite channels, most the time you will have to use a VPN we use Windscribe

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic Schools and Colleges:

There are many schools in Las Terrenas offering both local and International curriculum education to recognised standards.

The list is subject to change:

Las Terrenas International School

Preschool (3 and 4-year-olds)

Pre-Primary/Kindergarten (5 and 6-year-olds)**1st and 2nd Grades (6, 7 and 8-year-olds)

Preschool and Pre-Primary/Kindergarten will both be completely bilingual in English and Spanish. 1st/2nd grades will be taught in English with some Spanish components and activities.

Las Terrenas International School 

Provide a transformative, progressive and alternative educational environment, manifested by the best teachers, working with the best possible educational resources, applying the best educational theories and practices, in a creative, safe, inclusive and respectful environment.

Isla Academy International 

ISLA Academy is a unique offering to the private, international schools of the Dominican Republic. Located in Cabarete and Las Terrenas, on the north coast of the Dominican Republic, ISLA Academy offers pre-school through high school, with a high-quality, rigorous, and personalized curriculum taught primarily in English.  The ISLA Academy team is comprised of internationally certified, experienced teachers from all over the world.

Théodore Chasseriau High School

The Lycée Français International de Las Terrenas Théodore-Chassériau is a school located in the village of Las Terrenas, on the Samaná peninsula, in the Dominican Republic. It is one of the 270 partner establishments in the Agency for French Education Abroad network.

Little Miracles 

Little Miracles is a privately owned school in the small quaint beach town of Las Terrenas in the gorgeous Dominican Republic. Our school is accredited by the Ministry of Education of the Dominican Republic in all grade levels. We will follow the Spanish language curriculum required by the Ministry of Education as well as incorporating the academic standards of the English language program.

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic

Transportation local National and International:

Getting around the town is easy on foot but if required there are taxis, most popular and the cheapest are the many Moto Conchos (motorbikes) that transport you from zone to zone for around RD$50

They are quite skilled and have to be licensed so getting two passengers on a bike is quite normal, if safety is a concern go solo!

There are also local buses that go to various destinations such as the capital Santo Domingo for RD$500 and “Guaguas” which are minibuses or pick-up-trucks that run frequently to local destinations they stop as requested and are very cheap as you share them with other travellers.

see timetable: bus-travel-times-of-services-from-las-terrenas

Las Terrenas is served by a fantastic toll highway that runs from just outside the town all the way to the capital Santo Domingo. It takes less than two hours with some fantastic scenery along the way the total cost of tolls is around RD$865 if you also use the Atlantic Boulevard toll road

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic

Remember that they only accept Dominican pesos and they will not take a RD$2000 note so make sure you have change.

There are plenty of petrol service stations along the way that are very nice with cafe bars, shops, toilets and some have ATM cash machines.


Samana International at El Catey (AZS)

This airport is only 15 minutes drive from Las Terrenas and is served by International flights from the USA, Canada and Europe both scheduled and charter.

See this link for more details: flight-schedules-el-catey-samana

Santo Domingo Las Americas International (SDQ)

This is the country’s major international airport serving most of the world it is just a 2-hour drive to Las Terrenas using the highways

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic

See this link for more details: SDQ Las Americas Airport

Car Hire:

There are several car, Scooter and quad hire companies in Las Terrenas that offer good quality and well-maintained vehicles for daily and weekly rental.

Rental rates will vary depending on the season.

Four-door car or SUV rates from US$50 to US$250 per day.

Quads rates from US$50 to US$70 per day.

Scooters and motorbikes from US$30 to US$45 per day.

Please check the insurance policy and contract before you hire a vehicle and it is recommended that you wear a crash helmet on both motorbikes and Quads.

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic

Buying cars and other means of transport:

They are available in Las Terrenas but they will be used and have no real guarantee, I would recommend going with someone who knows cars to places such as  La Vega, Santiago or Santo Domingo to purchase new and used cars, there is every make of car dealership and a whole host of used dealers to choose from. Most dealers even second-hand will offer a warranty.

See this link for car prices online SUPERCARROS CARS the prices are expensive on this website, so take off about 15%

Buying a Quad, ATV or Scooter:

These can be purchased both new and used easily in Las Terrenas with prices for Scooters the same as in most other cities as they are all imported from China.

Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic

Scooters new are around US$1000 for a nice 150cc model a new Quad will set you back for a 4×4 500cc for about US$8000

Used Quads can be picked up for US$1500 and Used Scooters for US$400 from both private owners and rental companies.

Mail and Package Delivery Services:

There is a national mail service but it is not very reliable and should only really be used if you want to post letters or postcards that don’t matter.

For all your inward-bound parcels or documents I would recommend using

CPS Todd who owns and runs the local branch is American and offers all sorts of great services their costs are about the best but remember shipping is not cheap like it is in the USA or Europe see this link


For sending parcels and documents I would recommend UPS they have a local branch that offers an excellent service


Living Guide and Costs Las Terrenas Samana Dominican Republic

We hope you enjoyed reading our Cost of Living Price Guide For Las Terrenas Dominican Republic