Dominican Republic Protected Species Please Don't Kill Us -

Dominican Republic Protected Species Please Don’t Kill Us

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Dominican Republic Protected Species

Dominican Republic Protected Species

Santo Domingo.- The Environment Ministry on Tues. issued the Red List with endangered fauna species, threatened or protected in accordance with the standards of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

The document specifies that “hunting, fishing, capture, harassment, mistreatment, death, traffic, import, export, trade, manufacture or production of handicrafts of these species and/or illegal possession thereof are prohibited.”

The species in the Red List, grouped into three categories; 69 Critically Endangered; 95 Endangered and 260, Vulnerable. The reduction of these figures “is part of the commitment acquired within the framework of the global strategy for biodiversity conservation and the Aichi Targets (Strategic Plan for Biological Diversity 2011-2020)”.

Dominican Republic Protected Species

Corals, starfish, oysters, sea snails, conch, bulgao, sea cucumbers, crabs, tarantula, beetles, hiededevivo, butterflies, giant Hispaniola seahorse, sharks, stingrays , eel, Lebranche and groupers.

Also, marlin, labride, shad, parrot fish, bluefin tuna, seahorse, piggy, toads, frogs, snakes, turtles, jicoteas, Yaguaza, ducks, herons, partridges, pigeons, cúa, bucaro, guaraguaito, Hispaniola hawk, chirrices, crows, swallow, cigua canaria, Hispaniola finch, palm chat, four gray-headed eyes, mangrove canary, brambles, parrots, parakeets, owl, parrot, bats, jutia, solenodon and manatee, among others.

Dominican Republic Protected Species
About The Author
Douglas Stuart Barker

I am the co owner of Beachtown Property and the owner of Las Terrenas Property Construction company. we have offices both in Las Terrenas Dominican Republic and The British Virgin Islands I feel I can say that I am an expert in real estate in Las Terrenas after being here full time since March 2017. Having been is sales for over 40 years its in my blood! Customer service is my number one aim which has resulted in hundreds of satisfied clients and awards. I specialise in both new development sales with my main forte being land sales. Land sales for developments and investors along with full turnkey investment services. I pride myself on answering both new and existing clients instantly and being available via phone and email over and above normal business hours. I always offer a fast and efficient customer service and go beyond helping and answering all questions. I am at your service!