Dominican Republic's Events Festivals -

Dominican Republic’s Events Festivals

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Dominican Republic’s Events Festivals

Festivals in the Dominican Republic tend to center around celebrations of culture and heritage

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Events in the Dominican Republic

So many events take place each year in the Dominican Republic that outsiders might wonder if life on the island is a non-stop party.

While it is true that the people of the Dominican Republic are a lively bunch, they are also a group proud of their religion and heritage – and that is what many of these festivals celebrate. To truly get a sense of what is important to inhabitants of the island, plan to attend an event or festival during your Dominican Republic vacation.

Cultural Celebrations


The Caribbean’s ubiquitous Carnival celebration is celebrated in the Dominican Republic each February with parades, street dancing, food festivals, and lots of music.

Semana Santa

Semana Santa is Holy Week. Festivities take place in the week leading up to Easter Sunday. Parades, beauty pageants, and different festivals in each town throughout the country fill the week.

Espíritu Santo

In June the Dominica Republic celebrates Espíritu Santo to honor the island’s African heritage with nationwide festivals featuring African music.

Cultural Festival

Concerts, dance troupes, arts and crafts booths, and chefs celebrate Dominican heritage with an annual cultural festival in Puerto Plata each June.

Fiesta Patria de la Restauración

Fiesta Patria de la Restauración, or Restoration Day, celebrates the Dominican Republic’s day of independence from Spain, which occurred in 1863. Nationwide events include parades, music festivals, street festivals, and food festivals.

Music Festivals

Latin Music Festival

Three days each June is set aside for the Latin Music Festival in Santo Domingo. Both local and international Latin musicians and bands take the stage.

Festival del Merengue

During the last week of July and first week of August Santo Domingo hosts some of the world’s top meringue bands at the Festival del Merengue. Other events during the two week long party include and food festival and an arts and crafts festival.

Puerto Plata Festival

October’s Puerto Plata Festival brings musicians from around the country together to perform live music in a variety of genres. Blue, jazz, folk, salsa, and meringue are the most common. Other happenings during the event include a food festival and a parade.

Dominican Republic Jazz Festival

Another musical event takes place in October during Columbus Day Weekend: the Dominican Republic Jazz Festival. Concerts are held in Puerto Plata, Sosua, and Cabarete, and feature some of the country’s top jazz musicians and bands. Food booths are a part of the event as well.

Sporting Events

Cabarete Alegra

The town of Cabarete hosts fun events each weekend during the month of February, called Cabarete Alegra. The first week features a mountain bike race, the second a kite flying competition, the third a sand castle building event, and the fourth a windsurfing competition.

Cabaret Classic: Annual Wind Cup Windsurfing

Windsurfers from around the world flock to the beaches of Cabarete each July for five days of windsurfing competitions, beach volleyball competitions, numerous concerts, and festivals.

Trisports Summer Fest

In July, Punta Cana hosts the Trisports Summer Fest, which hopes to promote healthy living and the practice of team sports.  Everyone between the ages of six and 99 are welcome to attend and take part in events such as a tridathalon, duatholon, and aquathon.

Other Events and Festivals

Festivales del Santo Cristo de Bayaguana

On New Years Day, the people of Bayaguana celebrate Festivales del Santo Cristo de Bayaguana. Events leading up to Mass include a parade, music, and dance.

Día de Duarte

Each January the Dominican Republic honors Juan Pablo Duerte with gun salutes in Santo Domingo and numerous carnivals throughout the country. Duerte is celebrated as the man who gained independence from Haiti for the Dominican Republic.

Taste SD

The premier culinary event in the whole of the Caribbean is Taste SD, which takes place in October of each year.  During the event, hundreds of restaurants, food vendors, chefs, and others on the culinary scene host a series of presentations, tastings, and more.  The event stretches out over several days and venues and is known to attract several thousand guests.  The main event, unveiled in 2012, is the Culinary Cup of the Americas in which chefs participate in several cooking and baking events hoping to win the top prize.

Dominican Republic International Film Festival

For four days each December, independent films, shorts, and documentaries are screened.

There is no better place to learn about Dominican heritage and culture than a local festival. Make the most of your vacation on the island by planning to attend at least one event during your stay.

About The Author
Douglas Stuart Barker

I am the co owner of Beachtown Property and the owner of Las Terrenas Property Construction company. we have offices both in Las Terrenas Dominican Republic and The British Virgin Islands I feel I can say that I am an expert in real estate in Las Terrenas after being here full time since March 2017. Having been is sales for over 40 years its in my blood! Customer service is my number one aim which has resulted in hundreds of satisfied clients and awards. I specialise in both new development sales with my main forte being land sales. Land sales for developments and investors along with full turnkey investment services. I pride myself on answering both new and existing clients instantly and being available via phone and email over and above normal business hours. I always offer a fast and efficient customer service and go beyond helping and answering all questions. I am at your service!