El Limon Falls Samana Dominican Republic Excursion Horse Adventure - beachtownproperty.com

El Limon Falls Samana Dominican Republic Excursion Horse Adventure

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El Limon Falls Samana Dominican Republic

Over the years I have been to the falls several times, in the main with family and friends so I can show them this beautiful piece of paradise 30 minutes from my home.

On this trip to El Limon Falls Samana Dominican Republic I arranged with Santi who is from Spain and his wonderful Dominican wife Suni who owns Santi limon excursions

I have known Santi for many years and he is one of the nicest people you could ever meet, he speaks multiple languages English being one of them.

I was taking friends their two sons and their two friends I called Santio that morning to let him know, although booking for this trip is not required. He answered and then told me he was in Santo Domingo having eye surgery but he would call his staff so all was sorted out (such a great guy).

We arrived seven in total, Helen unfortunately could not go as she had some sort of a ear infection Santi is easy to find on the main from in El Limon.

Ample free parking for his guests and a warm welcome from his staff we booked five for the horses and two to walk to the falls all with lunch

My friends could not believe who cheap it was US$28 on horseback with guides (well they just come to make sure you dont go wild on their horses) with lunch and US$23 to do it on foot with a guide that gives you lots of local information on the fauna and flora very informative!

So off I went with the boys all 18 to 21 years old we had to follow our two horse guides about 15 and 18 year its a 10 minute walk to the horse station then on to El Limon Falls Samana Dominican Republic



El Limon Falls Samana Dominican Republic


My Friend Chadi from Monaco this was his first time ever on a horse!

We set off and the first 10 minutes is along the road so cars are coming past so horse control is required, although the handlers are there to ensure safety to those like Bob who decided to let his horse walk in the middle of the road.

El Limon Falls Samana Dominican Republic

Bob is the oldest son of my friends Bruno and Ann and i will tell your more about his horse prowess later in this tale and mention his brother Fred and Daniel their friend all of whom I met in Monaco.

We enter the trails to the falls the lads are all confident and getting used to being on a horse so i decide that a little trotting is in order, off I go and of course the other horses follow as they all want to be in the lead.

They loved it and little by little they started getting braver maneuvering the horses like seasoned pros, although in reality the horses are that used to the trip you could sit on one and not even hold the reins as they know where to go.

When its dry this trip to El Limon Falls Samana Dominican Republic on horse back is ideal for all ages and ranges of fitness a little more care has to be taken when its wet but its still a trip for the family, the guides are very sensible and wont allow anyone that has no horse sense or being reckless to be left to their own devises.

The trail goes through small passages between rocks and jungle we came across a small herd of cows, bulls and calves which were cute but a little scared of the  horses, Daniel, Fred and Chadi had decided to round them up I think they thought they were in Rawhide (you would not remember this if you are under 50)

You go through small lagoons and cross the river seeing other small falls its beautiful as we had the trail to ourselves.

So after an hour and 15 minutes we arrived at the top of a hill all in one piece parked our trusty steads and headed to the bar!

Well its a bar and gift shop a well deserved drink was in order for us all the lads couldn’t decide what to have so ordered Pina Colada in a pineapple (ask for more rum as I did if it too weak) and a beer each.

Yes its me

I had water don’t faint, I don’t drink spirits and i stopped drinking beer a year ago so I only really drink wine, no I have not gone tea total the shock of that might kill me!



The lads on their first drinks at El Limon Falls Samana Dominican Republic

This bar is on a high opposite the falls so when you step out you get a great aerial view of the falls and the lagoon below

Then you have to walk down the hill to the falls I must say since my last trip 2 years ago its become so much more civalised with both wooden and stone hand made stairs, before it was just a mud trail that when it rained was a nightmare but fun to go up and down.

We then find other falls and lagoons served by the river that is teeming with fish we have to cross this some of us tried the slippy stepping stones me and Daniel made it the others got wet feet.

We all got down in 10 minutes and were welcomed by the falls that drop just short of 200 feet into a small lagoon that again has has work done since I was last here.

Me I liked the old days at El Limon Falls Samana Dominican Republic rough and wild mud and lots of rocks but I guess progress is progress and its not had that much work done justs a concrete pad and a wall across the lagoon which has ruined the one great feature the cave under the falls. you could before swim through one cave entrance and come out of another, But as the water level is about 3 feet higher its no longer possible.

We met up with Bruno and Ann would had done the hike and loved it they arrived about 20 minutes after we did with their guide who looked after all our bags and clothes.

We all went in for a cooling dip yes its cold even this time of year in the winter its very cold, make sure you have some sort of aqua pumps as the rocks are slippy and not easy on bare feet.


So after 30 minutes we decide to head back to the bar following the trail back up the hill, we arrive at the bar and I meet Ray a motoconcho from Las Terrenas who knows me so after a chat and drinks we mounted up and away we went back.

We had a typical Dominican lunch Chicken, beef two sorts of rice, beans, salad and homemade french fries hot out the fat with soft drinks all served with a smile.

A great half day trip we arrived at 10am and left at 2pm every one loved every minute of the day.


Thank you Santi and his team check out his web site HERE He does so many amazing trips and for those that don’t have a car hotel pick up is only US$20 each

Make sure you wear long trousers, off road sandals, training shoes or other suitable footwear, flip flops are not advised although i have done it in them a few times.

Bring swim wear its best to wear it under your trousers on the way and a towel to dry off and get changed behind if you are shy, don’t ride back in wet swimwear you will regret it!

Bring water but its not necessary as you can buy it, most important is to bring enough Pesos to tip your guides its customary to tip each guide at least RD$400, we had two guides between 5 so we gave each one RD$1,000 they were very happy.

About The Author
Douglas Stuart Barker

I am the co owner of Beachtown Property and the owner of Las Terrenas Property Construction company. we have offices both in Las Terrenas Dominican Republic and The British Virgin Islands I feel I can say that I am an expert in real estate in Las Terrenas after being here full time since March 2017. Having been is sales for over 40 years its in my blood! Customer service is my number one aim which has resulted in hundreds of satisfied clients and awards. I specialise in both new development sales with my main forte being land sales. Land sales for developments and investors along with full turnkey investment services. I pride myself on answering both new and existing clients instantly and being available via phone and email over and above normal business hours. I always offer a fast and efficient customer service and go beyond helping and answering all questions. I am at your service!