Is it time to leave America before its too late -

Is it time to leave America before its too late

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Is it time to leave America before its too late

Dave Hodges
The Common Sense Show
Sat, 07 Mar 2015 18:11 UTC

Is it time to leave America before it's too late

The US-Mexico border fence: for now it’s to keep Mexicans out, but there could soon be a time when it’s for keeping Americans in…

Not a day goes by that I do not receive an email from one of my readers advising me to get out of America while I still can. As the level of tyranny in this country increases, there is a proportionate increase in Americans wondering out loud as to whether they should stay or go.

Americans Have Three Options When It Comes to Expatriation
As I see it, Americans have three choices when it comes to expatriation:

  1. We can leave the country for a less volatile place to live.
  2. There are places we could emigrate to which would buy us a little time against the full rollout of tyranny.
  3. We could simply lay down and take our beating as so many victims of genocide have in the past. Or, we can resist the final stages of tyranny and pay for our disobedience with our lives.

Is it time to leave America before its too late

The Reasons to Leave America Are Compelling

There can be no question that we are headed for hyperinflation and economic collapse. Because America has notions of freedom and entrepreneurship, the globalists must make an example out of such undesirable attributes.

Employment issues aside, America only has to look at three economic indicators to know that we are in a lot of trouble. The budget deficit is $17 trillion dollars, unfunded (partially or otherwise) mandated social programs constitutes another $222 trillion dollars and the credit swap derivatives total between $1 quadrillion dollars to $1.5 quadrillion dollars.

When we look at Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and all the government programs that we all take for granted, the price tag is a whopping $222 trillion dollars. These numbers are going to be exacerbated and grow exponentially because the bulk of the baby boomers are entering retirement age. Even if we took every single penny that the federal government takes in and devote it to paying off these social programs, it would take 111 years to pay off this debt.

In the United States, credit swap derivatives created national debt totals of over one quadrillion dollars. That is one thousand trillion dollars! The entire GDP of the planet is estimated at $66 trillion dollars. And somehow, in the infinite wisdom of Congress in 2008, we falsely and naively believed that a $750 billion transfer of wealth (i.e., Bailout #1) was magically going to save the economy and the collective futures of the American middle class. In short, the debt created by futures speculation is approximately 16 times greater than the sum total of the entire wealth on the planet! And we think we are going to climb out of this? We could fund 1,000 bailouts and the eventual outcome will be the same, slavery by debt.

It is the belief of many that the depth of suffering and ensuing governmental persecution, inside of the United States, will be greater inside of the U.S. than anywhere else. Therefore, it is a very prudent option to leave. Even if America was not headed toward her Armageddon, it seems prudent to leave.

Is it time to leave America before its too late

Do It For The Kids

One could make a compelling case that one should leave because the children have no future. It may not be any better anywhere else, but to stay here, appears to be economic suicide for your children’s future.

At this present point in time, about half of all recent college graduates are working at jobs that do not even require a college degree. The number of Americans in the 16 to 29 year old age bracket with a job declined by 18 percent between 2000 and 2010. Incomes for U.S. households led by someone between the ages of 25 and 34 have fallen by about 12 percent after you adjust for inflation since the year 2000. In the United States today, 317,000 waiters and waitresses have college degrees. One poll discovered that 29 percent of all Americans in the 25 to 34 year old age bracket are still living with their parents. Overall, approximately 25 million American adults are living with their parents according to Time Magazine.

America is no longer the land of opportunity as the United States is not even in the top ten. In fact, the United States only ranks 20th in terms of overall gross pay! There are very sound economic reasons to look at when deciding on whether you should leave the country. Young adults who are degreed and/or skilled in fields such as engineering or information technology skills, are really wasting their time by working in the United States. Eight of the world’s ten highest-paying countries for information technology (IT) managers are in Western Europe, according to a new survey by Mercer Human Resource Consulting. The survey found that Swiss managers are paid the most, followed by those in Germany and Denmark. In fact, IT management is another field where U.S. workers fail to crack the top ten in income, the United States ranks 14th in IT management compensation.Even debt ridden Spain, Italy and Greece pay their IT managers more than what Americans earn on average. These are very compelling reasons to leave.

Is it time to leave America before its too late

Is it time to leave America before its too late

Civil Liberties and Threats From the US Government

Well, we may not have our health and we may not have our wealth, but at least we have our freedoms, don’t we? Nothing could be further from the truth. Our local police forces are being federalized and incidences of unwarranted police brutality from our federalized police are skyrocketing.

With the Patriot Acts, the NDAA and several other draconian pieces of legislation designed to protect us from the boogey men we call terrorists, we have lost Habeas Corpus, we are losing our free speech rights to the United Nations and every form of due process that we once cherished under our Constitution. Net Neutrality is threatening to dissolve the Independent Media as we know it. And if you don’t like the unfolding criminal enterprise system which suddenly appeared before our collective eyes, the bankers have rolled out a technocratic police state which would make Stalin and Hitler envious. Both the police state and impending martial law are bolstered by the fact that the Department of Homeland Security has purchased 1.6 billion rounds of high tech bullets engraved with the names of citizens who dare to oppose this tyranny! The Constitution has been destroyed and thrown on to the garbage pile of history. And only in tinhorn dictatorships and communist countries do we find this kind of criminal enterprise flourishing!

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

I have personally known a FEMA retiree and his family who have left their home for a self-contained community with like-minded alphabet soup agency personnel in order to protect their families from what is coming. Additionally, Doug Hagmann’s DHS insider contact painted a very grim picture of the deadly martial law crackdown that is coming. Same stories, different venues. If you believe that a false flag attack is in our near future, and if you believe that brutal martial law, complete with gun confiscation, was going to take place and if you think that FEMA camps and mass executions of political undesirables were going to occur, then these would be some very valid reasons for leaving this country.
Is it time to leave America before it’s too late

Some Things To Consider Before You Leave

As Americans face crushingly higher taxes and increasingly draconian enforcement tactics, an increasingly greater number of Americans are choosing to flee for greener pastures. It is actually fairly easy to renounce one’s own U.S. citizenship. The U.S. Department of State regulations state that the potential ex-patriot must “appear in person before a U.S. consular or diplomatic officer, in a foreign country and sign an oath of renunciation. One should consider their renunciation action carefully because it is irrevocable once declared.

However, nothing is quite as simple as it appears when dealing with our criminal government that has been hijacked by the bankers. If you try and leave America, you will be assessed a 15% exit fee. Yes, that is correct, you are penalized for exercising the privilege to leave the country. This is similar to the Reich Flight Tax that was implemented as part of a larger emergency decree with the goal of stemming capital flight during the unstable Interbellum period. After the Nazis seized power in 1933, the Nazi government largely used the tax to confiscate assets from persecuted people (mostly Jews) who sought to flee the Third Reich. Do you remember as children we were taught to make fun of the Soviet Union for building fences to keep their citizens in? By the way, Russia has a flat 13% tax rate.

Many Americans Have Already Left

An expatriate, who has left America for the greener pastures of Germany, has written to me over a dozen times telling me to get out of America while I still can. I freely admit, that on the balance sheet, the reasons to leave outweigh the reasons to stay. And the reasons to move our children away from the growing tyranny in this country are even more numerous. However, our enemy calls themselves the New World Order for a reason. It may be possible to move to a place like Norway and get some temporary relief, but in reality, you would only be staying one step ahead of the burning bridge.

In 2013, over a 155,000 Americans expatriated to foreign countries, mostly for economic reasons. In total, over five million Americans are choosing to live outside the United States. Just why are Americans leaving this land of “freedom” and opportunity in record numbers, with no end in sight? I have bad news for these people. You expats may have temporarily escaped high taxes and over regulation from the federal government, however, when, and not if, the dollar collapses, all foreign currencies will collapse as well and you will be trapped in a foreign land. I do, however, agree that there are some valid reasons, at least on the surface for leaving.

The Future Is Never Guaranteed

Against all common sense and against all the clear warnings of what lies ahead for many of us, I am still not going to leave my country. I am going to stand and fight.

I am reminded of the story of an American man lamenting about the fact that the Soviets and the Americans would someday engage in a devastating nuclear war. The man researched and studied the best place to relocate to in order to avoid what he felt was the coming nuclear holocaust. He literally took years before deciding to move as he studied prevailing wind patterns, alliances between the Soviets and the Americans before deciding to relocate. Eventually, he decided to move to the Falkland Islands 33 years ago. Subsequently, his new home was shelled and bombed by the British in the Falklands War with Argentina and the man lost family members. It is impossible to prepare for all eventualities.

Where To Go?

Even if you could leave, you might be doing so without your money. Remember, in 2013, banks like Chase limited wire transfers to foreign countries to $50,000 and banned foreign wire transfers.

I predict that under this pathetic president and our insider-trading congress, millions are going to be looking to leave the country. It is my belief that if the number of expatriates grows much beyond present levels, the government will enact policies to make it increasingly more difficult to leave the country.


To those of you that write to me and ask me for advice, I am not going to give it. In this article, I have listed some facts that you may wish to consider. However, I will not bear the responsibility for advising people on such an important decision. This decision is between you, your family and God.

For all the illegal immigrants that think it is so important that you obtain U.S. citizenship, I would advise you to look at the reasons on why so many Americans have already left as well as the reasons I have listed in this article. The grass is not always greener on the other side of the hill. When you leave places like Mexico, you are trading one form of overt government and corporate corruption for another that is a little less obvious, but America will prove to be just as enslaving at the end of the day.

For myself, I am not leaving because I believe in what I am doing and I feel this is where God wants me to be. The future is not guaranteed to any of us. But my way, should not necessarily be your way.

Where would you go? What factors would you consider when choosing a relocation country? Leave a comment below and let’s begin a dialogue on this as to whether it is time to leave the former home of the free? Whatever you decide, you better do it quickly, because when martial law comes, the borders will be shut down to expatriation.

Is it time to leave America before its too late

Thanks To Dave Hodges food for thought!


About The Author
Douglas Stuart Barker

I am the co owner of Beachtown Property and the owner of Las Terrenas Property Construction company. we have offices both in Las Terrenas Dominican Republic and The British Virgin Islands I feel I can say that I am an expert in real estate in Las Terrenas after being here full time since March 2017. Having been is sales for over 40 years its in my blood! Customer service is my number one aim which has resulted in hundreds of satisfied clients and awards. I specialise in both new development sales with my main forte being land sales. Land sales for developments and investors along with full turnkey investment services. I pride myself on answering both new and existing clients instantly and being available via phone and email over and above normal business hours. I always offer a fast and efficient customer service and go beyond helping and answering all questions. I am at your service!