Dominican Republic Coconut Farm Plantation with Buildings

Coconut Farm number 1

It has over 3000 tarea or 1,887,000 m2 of land with Coconuts in production the

Selling cost for it all US$4.45m2

We viewed various parcels of land and a small farm that was preparing the coconuts with huts for workers to live and buildings to work in very basic facilities.

This was very close to a good paved road so easy to take coconuts away by truck

The road was unpaved that ran through the farms but not difficult to use a SUV or 4×4 would be required.

The Dominican Republic Coconut Farm had mainly mature coconut trees we could not see that they were operating a planting of new trees.

The Farm was vast mainly hills and valleys with water from small rivers

Communication roads to towns were easy with electric to the parts of the property that required it.

The land offers grazing for cattle and horses.

This farm was good and could be excellent with a planting program in place.

We are guarding the location of Dominican Republic Coconut Farm this will only be shown to people in person who are serious buyers of farms

Property Features

  • Electric to Property
  • Paved Roads
  • Unpaved Roads
  • Water to Property


Property Location

  • Hill Side
  • Rural Area
