las terrenas

Dealing with construction permits in Dominican Republic

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Dealing with construction permits in Dominican Republic Below is a detailed summary of the procedures, time and costs to build a warehouse in Dominican Republic. This includes obtaining necessary licenses and permits, completing required notifications and inspections and obtaining utility connections. This information was collected as part of the Doing Business project, which measures and compares regulations […]

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Great things to do in Las Terrenas Dominican Republic

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Located on the northeastern coast of the Samana Peninsula, Las Terrenas offers miles of protected inshore waters and beautiful, undeveloped white-sand-beaches, lined with tall palm trees and pastel-colored fishing boats. Trade winds and the warm temperature of the sub-tropical Atlantic Ocean bring this part of the island year-round balmy weather. With a year-round average of […]

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Property Guide to the Dominican Republic

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This Property Guide to the Dominican Republic will keep you out of trouble in the Dominican real estate market. Everybody can buy real estate in the Dominican Republic – no residence or local partners are required. You can buy as a private person or use an offshore company. Be careful with estate agents and realtors […]

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Sponsor a Child in the Dominican Republic

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Sponsor a Child in the Dominican Republic Dominican Charity: Sponsor a Child in the Dominican Republic. Around 27 percent of the population live below the poverty line and many children under the age of five still die from malnutrition, gastrointestinal disease and pneumonia, despite improvements by the government in primary health care. Although education is […]

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The Top 10 Beaches to Live on in Paradise

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The Top 10 Beaches to Live on in Paradise Balmy breezes, unbelievable beaches, fantastic financial incentives… the utter escape from the mad-dash of the “real world” and a permanent flip-flop lifestyle. These are just a few of the reasons more and more affluent travelers are choosing to live in paradise. Of all the spots to […]

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