Waste-to-energy plant that will produce electricity in Samana

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Waste-to-energy plant that will produce electricity in Samana

Former Major League Baseball pitcher Mariano Rivera will invest in a waste-to-energy plant that will make waste into electricity in Samana a tourist hotspot in the Dominican Republic that has captivated international figures.

The Panamanian, a member of the Hall of Fame, showed his charm in Samaná:

“We are deeply committed to the province of Samaná, where we have presented a project for a waste recovery plant that will produce clean electricity and offer the population a cheaper source of energy. We want to help this tourist center achieve sustainability in waste management and eradicate open-air landfills,” said  Mariano Rivera .

Mariano Rivera  thanked the Technological University of Santo Domingo (Intec) for carrying out the environmental impact study.

Mariano Rivera  said he is very excited about the investment he is making in Samaná, attracted not only by its incredible beaches and natural beauty but also by the opportunity to leave a positive mark, helping to combat pollution and generating jobs in the community by making Waste-to-energy plant that will produce electricity in Samana

View of Samaná Bay.

«I have always been a person with a great interest in helping our countries in Latin America to find new solutions for the environment and in particular the pollution caused by open-air landfills. Thank God I had the opportunity to play my entire career in New York and meet many businessmen and with the support of some friends in Las Terrenas we found a company that has the best technology on the market to solve the problem of waste in landfills.»

Rivera said the “Sustainable Northeast” project will set a positive precedent both in Samaná and throughout the country for sustainable development and environmental protection.

Waste-to-energy plant that will produce electricity in Samana Contribution to the environment

«When the opportunity arose to see the problem of solid waste in Las Terrenas, I decided to invest in the area with the application of this new technology, which valorizes waste and transforms it into CDR (waste-derived fuel) and can be used as raw material for the production of clean electric energy for the entire Samaná Peninsula and we hope to have it up and running as soon as possible for the good of the province of Samaná.»

The initiative, led by the company Maxter Constructora SRL , will lead to the construction of a modern solid waste plant in the community of Sánchez, province of Samaná, with the capacity to treat 450 tons of waste.

Private investment in the Waste-to-energy plant that will produce electricity in Samana project on private land comes from local businessmen and former major league player  Mariano Rivera .

“The company carries out comprehensive waste management, improving public-private administration and freezing the price of waste management for the next 20 years,” added Rivera. “We work within the framework of the circular economy, generating new raw materials from waste and fighting climate change, transforming environmental liabilities into environmental assets.”

Waste-to-energy plant that will produce electricity in Samana

The project, which already has an environmental license granted by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, was issued after an exhaustive analysis of almost a year of the 756-page environmental impact study . This license guarantees that the plant will operate under strict environmental standards, ensuring a sustainable and efficient solution to the problem of waste management and final disposal in the province.

It is worth highlighting the great expectations within the community for the development of this project, considering that with the implementation of the new solid waste treatment plant, the contamination caused by the open-air landfills of the province will be completely eliminated, and in particular, the landfill of the municipality of Sánchez, which for decades has affected the entire bay of Samaná.

Waste-to-energy plant that will produce electricity in Samana

About The Author
Douglas Stuart Barker

I am the co owner of Beachtown Property and the owner of Las Terrenas Property Construction company. we have offices both in Las Terrenas Dominican Republic and The British Virgin Islands I feel I can say that I am an expert in real estate in Las Terrenas after being here full time since March 2017. Having been is sales for over 40 years its in my blood! Customer service is my number one aim which has resulted in hundreds of satisfied clients and awards. I specialise in both new development sales with my main forte being land sales. Land sales for developments and investors along with full turnkey investment services. I pride myself on answering both new and existing clients instantly and being available via phone and email over and above normal business hours. I always offer a fast and efficient customer service and go beyond helping and answering all questions. I am at your service!